Archiv für Finance 2.0.

Digital & Physical Gold Fonds Manager Incrementum gewinnt Innovations-Preis und stellt Advisory Board vor

Incrementum Digital & Physical Gold Fonds

Am 26. Februar 2020 startete die Incrementum AG mit dem Fondsmanagement des Incrementum Digital & Physical Gold Fonds. Das Anlageziel des Fonds ist die Erzielung eines mittel- bis langfristig überdurchschnittlichen Kapitalzuwachses durch eine strategische Allokation in Kryptowährungen (derzeit Bitcoin) und physischem Gold. „Kurz nach Auflegung des Fonds erlebten die Kapitalmärkte […] » Weiterlesen

Bitcoin kaufen – worauf muss man achten?

Bitcoin kaufen – worauf muss man achten?

Bitcoin (BTC) ist zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt die mit Abstand bekannteste und wichtigste Kryptowährung auf dem Markt. In puncto Marktkapitalisierung, Wertentwicklung und Sicherheit liegt BTC deutlich vor der Konkurrenz. Doch wenn man Bitcoin gerade erst kennenlernt, gibt es ein paar Dinge, die man über diese Kryptowährung wissen sollte, bevor man sie […] » Weiterlesen

Baton Systems and J.P. Morgan Develop Industry Solution to Automate Derivatives Margin Payments

Baton Systems and J.P. Morgan Develop Industry Solution to Automate Derivatives Margin Payments

Baton Systems, a provider of distributed ledger-based post-trade solutions for capital markets, and J.P. Morgan have developed a solution that enables the near real-time orchestration of cash and collateral transfers to multiple clearing houses. The new service addresses the challenge of having to tie-up excess funds across the clearing workflow […] » Weiterlesen

Leonteq Launches The World’s First Exchange-Listed Reverse Convertible on Bitcoin

Leonteq Securities AG announced that it has launched the world’s first reverse convertible on Bitcoin listed on SIX Swiss Exchange. From today, investors can trade a reverse convertible on Bitcoin on SIX Swiss Exchange for the first time. Reverse convertibles are very popular yield enhancement products and are typically linked […] » Weiterlesen

First Cryptocurrency Index Provider to receive FCA Authorisation

CF Benchmarks Becomes First Cryptocurrency Index Provider to receive FCA Authorisation

CF Benchmarks, a cryptocurrency index provider and owner of the CME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate, announced it has received authorisation from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) as a Benchmark Administrator under European Benchmarks Regulation (EU BMR). CF Benchmarks is the first cryptocurrency index provider to be regulated by the FCA. […] » Weiterlesen

Weltsparen Launches ETF Savings Plan; Cooperation with Vanguard and BNP

Raisin Launches Savings Plan for German ETF Investment Platform

Raisin, one of the top funded Fintech Companies in Germany, starts with an ETF investment plan. Starting on its German platform WeltSparen, Raisin is introducing a savings plan for its line of ETF portfolios. With the new savings plan Raisin’s customers in Germany will be able to build their wealth […] » Weiterlesen

Study: Consumers Want Technology to Complement, Not Replace Human Financial Advisors

MDRT Study Finds Consumers Want Technology to Complement, Not Replace Human Financial Advisors

A new study examining what consumers think of technology in financial services finds the majority of Americans (88 percent) want technology to complement, not replace, the assistance of a human financial advisor. Only five percent state financial planning should be managed entirely by technology-based tools. The study was commissioned by MDRT and […] » Weiterlesen

Vollautomatisch Nachhaltig Investieren

Vollautomatisch Nachhaltig Investieren

Nachhaltiges Investieren war noch nie so einfach wie mit dem neuen, vollumfassenden Impact Investing Tool des jungen Zürcher FinTech Unternehmens Yova. Kundinnen und Kunden können unkompliziert online ein individuelles Aktienportfolio zusammenstellen und ein Konto eröffnen  vollautomatisiert und in Echtzeit. Mit dieser einmaligen Dienstleistung will Yova das Finanzangebot in der Schweiz […] » Weiterlesen

An Issuance Platform for SME Corporate Loans

CAT Financial Products and CAT Growth Launch Issuance Platform for SME Corporate Loans

CAT Financial Products and CAT Growth are launching a platform that enables institutional investors access to securitized corporate loans from selected SMEs. While CAT Growth identifies and manages potential companies and enables direct investments with a focus on growth financing and succession planning, CAT Financial Products is responsible for the […] » Weiterlesen

First Energy Product Derivative Trade on Blockchain

First Energy Product Derivative Trade on Blockchain

Shell announced the world’s first oil product derivatives trade using blockchain technology developed with Applied Blockchain. The technology is currently being used within Shell, allowing the company’s various businesses to trade by seeing real time prices from its trading teams. „Applied Blockchain worked closely with Shell to develop one of the […] » Weiterlesen